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The Star Diamond Series – Nacter Diamonds

Artwork Introduction

Nacter Diamond – Starlight – Stars in the universe shine like flowers, radiating captivating energy and brilliance.

The Blue Whale design team, along with sculptor Jonny Chen, presents the limited edition artworks in the Star Diamond Series. They infuse the art of sculpture into the entrance door surface, drawing inspiration from the “radiance of the stars, like celestial diamonds.” The Star Diamond Series represents a refinement of craftsmanship, where every stroke and depth of the artwork is unalterable, giving each piece a unique and rare quality. The Blue Whale Star Diamond Series is introduced as a limited edition, with each artwork bearing an exclusive serial number, the artist’s autograph, and a certificate card for collectors.

With the artist’s life experiences, there are different style changes in various stages, and each artwork possesses a unique soul. We recommend collecting these pieces early.

Related product: Star Diamond Series Bedroom Soundproof Door.




星鑽 電子鎖 M1 富威智慧 M2 指紋鎖 人臉辨識 智慧門鎖 電子鎖安裝 電子鎖價格 隔音工程 爵士鼓隔音 打鼓隔音 音響 視聽室 三角鋼琴 練琴房 隔音工程 隔音天花板 隔音地板 水泥牆 隔音牆 RC牆 公寓練琴 電梯大樓隔音 深夜噪音 飛機起降落 睡眠障礙 隔音門 玻璃門 玻璃隔間 景觀窗 隔音牆 隔音窗 藍鯨隔音窗 藍鯨隔音門 藍鯨隔音 藍鯨隔音工程 進口門 德國旭格 鼎豐 180型 專業隔音門 實木門 鋼木門

